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Peter Craig

Parking Lot Paving and Repair Options

Do you have a cracked or crumbling parking lot? If so, the resources below should help!

There are 3 main methods used for repairing and repaving parking lots. Which option is recommended largely depends on how severely the pavement is damaged:

My Parking Lot is Falling Apart!

If you parking lot is literally falling apart with potholes and cracking in a spider web pattern, full depth repair is recommended. Potholes and severe cracking are an indication that the full thickness of your asphalt lot has been compromised. Full depth replacement consists of entirely removing the existing asphalt and then replacing it with new asphalt. Once the old pavement is removed, it is common to see problems in the sub-base which can then be repaired before the new asphalt is installed. This is the most expensive form of repair, but it is also the longest lasting.

My Parking Lot Has a Lot of Hairline Cracking or Mildly Damaged Areas!

If you have significant amount of cracking that is only present in the top portion of your pavement we recommend milling and patching. The milling process involves grinding off the top 1.5-2" of your parking lot, then replacing it with the same thickness of new asphalt. This method is cheaper than full depth replacement because there is less asphalt to remove and re

Asphalt Repair by Reece
Milled and Patched Area

place. Milling repairs can be expected to last for many years.

My Parking Lot Assorted Issues But Is Solid!

If your parking lot has some cracking and potholes, but is generally solid and level, and overlay may be a good option. An overlay consists of installing 1.5-2" of new asphalt directly on top of your existing surface. If you have areas in need of more significant repair, those areas can be patched before the overlay. The overlay will make your parking lot look brand new.

Reece provides asphalt paving and repair in Indianapolis, IN and also specializes in asphalt sealcoating and crack sealing.

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